Inspect or change NOTEX.
- x
A px object
- value
Optional. A character string, a data frame, or a list.
Use character, to set NOTEX for the entire table across all languages.
Use a data frame with columns 'language' and 'value' to set NOTEX for the entire table in a specific language.
Use a data frame with the columns 'variable-code' and 'notex', to set NOTEX for a specific variable across all languages. Add the column 'language' to set NOTEX for specific language.
Use a list of the above elements to set NOTEX in muliple ways. This is the same as calling NOTEX multiple times with different values.
If missing, the current NOTEX is returned.
If NULL, NOTEX is removed for the table and all variables.
- validate
Optional. If TRUE a number of validation checks are performed on the px object, and an error is thrown if the object is not valid. If FALSE, the checks are skipped, which can be usefull for large px objects where the check can be time consuming. Use
to manually preform the check.
A px object, a character string, a data frame, or a list of character strings and/or data frames.
NOTEX has a lot of possible ways to specify value
, because
it can be set both for the entire PX-file and for individual variables.
# Set NOTEX for entire PX-file
x1 <-
px(population_gl) |>
px_notex('Note about PX-file')
# Print NOTEX
#> [1] "Note about PX-file"
# Set NOTEX for entire PX-file in multiple languages
x2 <-
x1 |>
px_languages(c('en', 'kl')) |>
px_notex(tribble(~language, ~value,
'en', 'English notex',
'kl', 'Kalaallisut notex'
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> language value
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 en English notex
#> 2 kl Kalaallisut notex
# Set NOTEX for variables
x3 <-
x1 |>
px_notex(tribble(~`variable-code`, ~notex,
'year', 'Some data collected in following year',
'age', 'Is rounded down'
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Note about PX-file"
#> [[2]]
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> `variable-code` notex
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 age Is rounded down
#> 2 year Some data collected in following year
# Remove all NOTEXs
x4 <- px_notex(x3, NULL)