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Create a px object from a PX-file, an Excel metadata workbook, or a data frame.


px(input = NULL, data = NULL, validate = TRUE)



Optional character string. Can be:

  • Path to a PX-file

  • Path to an Excel metadata workbook

  • A data frame

  • Path to an .rds or .parquet file with a data frame

  • URL of a PX-file

If input is a data frame or NULL, a px object with minimal metadata is created.


Either a data frame or a path to an .rds or .parquet file with a data frame. This can only be used if input is an Excel metadata workbook.


Optional. If TRUE a number of validation checks are performed on the px object, and an error is thrown if the object is not valid. If FALSE, the checks are skipped, which can be usefull for large px objects where the check can be time consuming. Use px_validate() to manually preform the check.


A px object


# Create px object from dataset
x1 <- px(population_gl)

# Download PX-file for example
download_succeeded <- tryCatch({
  px_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".px")
  url <- ""
  download.file(url, px_path)
}, error = function(e) FALSE)

# Run examples only if file was downloaded
if (download_succeeded) {
  # Create px object from PX-file
  x2 <- px(px_path)

  # Create px object from URL
  x3 <- px(url)

# Create minimal px object
x4 <- px()