Split one px object into many small PX-files (micro files), with count of the variables in it.
- x
A px object.
- out_dir
Directory to save PX-files in.
- keyword_values
Optional. A data frame with column 'variable' and one or more of: 'px_contents', 'px_title', 'px_description', and 'px_matrix'. The columns will be added as keywords to the table for each non-HEADING variable that match the 'variable' column. It probably work for other keywords as well.
Use the column 'filename' to control the filename of each micro file. The filename path is relative to 'out_dir'.
Use the column 'language' if the PX-file has multiple languages.
The HEADING variables are use in all the micro files, and a file is created
for each non-HEADING variable. The new PX-files are saved in a directory
specified by out_dir
The main loop uses the furrr package for parallelisation. Use future::plan() to choose how to parallelise.
# Create px object with cohort as HEADING
x <-
greenlanders |>
px() |>
px_stub(names(greenlanders)) |>
# Create micro files, one for each of the non-HEADING variables (gender, age,
# municipality)
#> [1] "Created PX-files in: /tmp/Rtmpgcca3w/file1bbb22f39408"