Create a classification object from a data frame or .vs and .agg files.
- name
Optional. Name of the classification.
- prestext
Optional. Presentation text.
- domain
Optional. Character vector with domain names. Used to link to PX-file.
- df
Optional. A data frame with required column 'valuecode' and optional column 'valuetext', if the codes have texts. Each additional column represents an aggregation. The column name is the name of the aggregation.
- vs_path
Optional. Path to a values set (.vs) file.
- agg_paths
If NULL, aggregation paths are automatically taken from the [Aggreg] field in the .vs file.
Use a vector of paths to one or more aggregation files (.agg) to manually choose aggregations.
Use character(0) if aggregations from the .vs files should not be added automatically.
A classification is a combination of a value set and zero, one, or more
aggregations. The classification can be saved as .vs and .agg files
(see px_save_classification()
If a classification is created from a data frame, the arguments name
and domain
are required. If a classification is created from .vs
and .agg files, all other arguments should be empty.
Only type 'V' value sets are supported. Type 'H' and 'N' value sets are not supported.
# Create classification from data frame
c1 <- px_classification(name = "Age5",
prestext = "Ages 0-9 - 60+",
domain = "age",
df = tribble(
~valuecode, ~valuetext, ~`25 years classes`,
"0-4", "0-4 years", "0-24",
"5-9", "5-9 years", "0-24",
"10-14", "10-14 years", "0-24",
"15-19", "15-19 years", "0-24",
"20-24", "20-24 years", "0-24",
"25-29", "25-29 years", "25-49",
"30-34", "30-34 years", "25-49",
"35-39", "35-39 years", "25-49",
"40-44", "40-44 years", "25-49",
"45-49", "45-49 years", "25-49",
"50-54", "50-54 years", "50-74",
"55-59", "55-59 years", "50-74",
"60-64", "60-64 years", "50-74",
"65-69", "65-69 years", "50-74",
"70-74", "70-74 years", "50-74",
"75+", "75+ years", "75+"
# Create classifications from files
vs_file <- system.file("extdata", "Age5.vs", package = "pxmake")
agg_files <- c(
system.file("extdata", "10-years_classes.agg", package = "pxmake"),
system.file("extdata", "25-years_classes.agg", package = "pxmake")
if (vs_file != "" & all(agg_files != "")) {
# Create classification from .vs file and use aggregations mentioned in .vs
c2 <- px_classification(vs_path = vs_file)
# Create classification from .vs file and manually specify aggregation files
c3 <- px_classification(vs_path = vs_file,
agg_paths = agg_files
identical(c2, c3)
#> [1] TRUE